



“I was struggling with real self-doubt and projecting my pain on my husband. You created a safe place for me to admit and finally be able to see the mess in my heart that was my dad- pain. I thought it was all my fault until you patiently allowed me the space to heal. You showed me how a healthy dad would love me when I wasn’t at my best.”


“You being a dad is everything! You were a safe place that allowed me to admit my struggle. I felt seen, and I finally wasn’t alone in the place where I most needed a dad, my emotions. You have been the closest thing to Jesus I’ve experienced.”


“When I first met you I couldn’t even find words for my pain and emotions. I was blind to the ways I was a critical judge over my own life and you helped me see how I felt safe behind that role. You made space for me to heal and find compassion and empathy for me. You rewriting the idea of what a father could be, helped me go from being terrified to interact with men, to finding confidence and my voice around men. You showed me that a father will actually engage with my mind and my heart.”


“You taught me how to be soft instead of bigger to protect myself when I am triggered. You showed me how to find my strength inside of choosing vulnerability instead of feeling like I always have to protect myself. You taught me how to not date potential, but to see the man who is in front of me. I was stuck in a cycle of being attracted to jerks. You showed me I was drawn to emotionally unavailable men because I was emotionally unavailable. I had no idea my dad taught me that’s what a man looks like. You taught me to value me separate from what I could do. You met me in my father-pain and loved me where my father wasn’t capable. You created a safe place for me to do the work of healing my broken image of what a man looks like. You walked with me as I learned to let God heal a place in my heart no man was ever designed to stand. Now I have an emotionally available healthy man who wants to marry me.”